Hello everyone, Ready for a Unity Asset Competition? want to win a copy of the Drag Camera 2D Pro asset? The unity asset store is a great place for both asset developers and game developers. Game devs get cool assets that can quickly speed up the development of games and aset devs get paid for […]
Game Development Tools
Drag Camera 2D Pro – v1.2
Drag Camera 2D Pro – v1.2 is now live. The newest version of DragCamera 2D pro is now live and has a completely new Camera Dolly system. The original system was simply a set of waypoints which the camera would traverse over based on the position of a tracked object(the player). This would limit the […]
Drag Camera 2D – Unity Asset
Drag Camera 2D – Unity Asset The Drag Camera 2D asset is an asset in the Unity asset store that allows you to add drag controls to your camera. You can drag the camera to move horizontally or vertically across the unity world.This type of camera is ideal for top down RTS games where the […]
Particle Effects – 2D Game Development
What Are Particle Effects? If you’re a gamer like me, then you have probably played a game that has particle effects in it. Common uses for particle effects are smoke, fire, debris and magic spell effects. Effects like smoke and fire are hard to create using normal rendering methods. The particle system was created to […]
Pooling Objects – LibGdx Memory Management
What is Pooling? Pooling is a technique that allows the program to repurpose objects that are no longer being used in order to manage memory and decrease processing time. Imagine a box with 10 objects inside, this would be your pool and when you want an object you simply open the box and take out […]
Collision Detection – Circles, Rectangles and Polygons
Collision Detection – Circles, Rectangles and Polygons So you’re making a game and you want to check if your character has bonked an enemy. This calls for collision detection algorithms. Surely you could use a framework like Box2D to do all the collision detection for you.. well yes, you could and it would work pretty […]
Full LibGDX Game Tutorial – Infinite Level Generation with Simplex Noise
Full LibGDX Game Tutorial – Infinite Level Generation Welcome to part 11 of our Full LibGDX Game Tutorial. This part will focus on creating a system to infinitely generate our world using Simplex Noise. If you haven’t seen the earlier parts of this tutorial I advise you to start at Full LibGDX Game Tutorial – Project […]
GLSL openGL Shader Language – How to use in LibGdx
What is a Shader? Shaders are small programs that are run on the GPU for every pixel. Each pixels data is computed by the GPU at the same time, unlike a single core CPU which computes a single set of instructions very fast. This allows the GPU to process the shader code very fast which is […]
Ashley and Box2D Tutorial – ECS, Physics and Collisions
Ashley and Box2D Tutorial In this tutorial, we will create a simple game base using Ashley and Box2D. Ashley is an Entity System that allows us to create entities from a set of components such as an image, a position etc. More information on Ashley can be found on the Ashley wiki and information on […]
Project Creation Eclipse – LibGDX Project Generator
The LibGDX Project Generator If your creating a project in LibGDX then your probably making a game. This guide will be aimed at those people making games, however, most of this guide can be applied to other projects using libgdx. To make this as simple as possible we will be using the LibGDX project generator […]